Kakav je efekat proširenja EU na njenu spoljnu politiku?

Kakav je efekat proširenja EU na njenu spoljnu politiku?, Evoprsko zakonodavstvo, Januar-decembar 2007, str. 78-83 DOWNLOAD RELATED DOCUMENTS  ejdus(2007)Kakav je efekat proširenja EU na njenu...

Razvoj spoljnih odnosa EU od međunarodnog ‘prisustva’ do zajednicke spoljne politike

Razvoj spoljnih odnosa EU od međunarodnog 'prisustva' do zajednicke spoljne politike, oktobar–decembar 2008, Međunarodna politika br. 1132 str.32-43 DOWNLOAD RELATED DOCUMENTS  Ejdus (2008) Razvoj spoljnih...

Anxiety, Dissonance and Imperial Amnesia of the European Union

Filip Ejdus, “Anxiety, Dissonance and Imperial Amnesia of the European Union”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Advanced Online Publication, 10 March 2022, s. 1-16, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.1085564   Full article...

Lost at the waterfront? (co-authored with Adam Fagan)

The Don’t let Belgrade D(r)own, protest movement against the city’s controversial waterfront development, is one of the largest civil society campaigns in post-Milošević Serbia....

Dangerous liaisons: securitization theory and Schmittian legacy

Dangerous Liaisons: Securitization Theory And Schmittian Legacy, Western Balkans Security Observer, 13, 2009, 9-16. DOWNLOAD RELATED DOCUMENTS  Ejdus (2009) Dangerous Liaisons.pdf

Ontological Insecurity as an Emergent Phenomenon (co-athored with Tijana Rečević)

One of the central debates in Ontological Security Studies (OSS) has been about the level-of-analysis. While some authors focus on individuals, others have scaled...

Europeanisation and indirect resistance: Serbian police and Pride Parades (co-authored with Mina Božović)

Serbia's Europeanisation, including police reform in accordance with European policing standards, has been far from smooth. A case in point has been the lasting...

Effective? Locally owned? Beyond the technocratic perspective on the European Union Police Mission for...

The European Union Police Mission for the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS) was established in 2006 to contribute to the establishment of effective policing in...

Serbia’s Military Neutrality: Origins, effects and challenges

Serbia's Military Neutrality: Origins, Effects and Challenges, Croatian International Relations Review, 2014, XX, 71, 43-69 DOWNLOAD RELATED DOCUMENTS  Ejdus (2014)Serbias Military Neutrality, Origins, effects and...

Beyond National Interests

Beyond National Interests: Identity Conflict and Serbia’s Neutrality toward the Crisis in Ukraine, Südosteuropa 62, 2014, no. 3, 347-361 DOWNLOAD RELATED DOCUMENTS  Ejdus (2014)Beyond National...