Supervised MA theses

  1. Selena Tasić, “Uloga civilnog društva u različitim kontekstima reforme sektora bezbednosti”, (“The Role of Civil-Society in Various Contexts of Security Sector Reform”), 2014.
  2. Marina Komad, “Uloga medija u sekuritizaciji tokom akcije Sablja” (eng. “The Role of Media in Securitization during the Operation Sabre”), 2014.
  3. Srđan Hercigonja, The Spill Over of Security Dynamics between Political and Societal Sectors: the Case of Yugoslavia (“Prelivanje bezbednosne dinamike između političkog i socijetalnog sektora bezbednosti – Slučaj Jugoslavije), 2014.
  4. Boban Janković, The Consolidation of Democracy and Oversight Over Security-Intelligence Services in Croatia and Montenegro (“Konsolidacija demokratije i razvoj nadzora nad obaveštajno-bezbednosnim službama u Hrvatskoj i Crnoj Gori”), 2015.
  5. Vladimir Šulović, The Politics of Humanitarian Interventionism of the US in Bosnia and Hercegovina 1992-1995 (“Politika humanitarnog intervencionizma Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Bosni i Hercegovini 1992-1995)”, 2015.
  6. Filip Kerčov, The Capitalist Peace Theory: Market Capitalism and Propensity of a State to Enter into Armed Conflict”, (In English), 2015.
  7. Michael Anderson, “Securitization, Indirect Speech and Serbia’s Accession to the EU” (In English) 2015.
  8. Emilija Elek, “Energy Insecurity in South East Europe after Cold War” (“Energetska nebezbednost JIE nakon Hladnog rata”), 2015.
  9. Jelena Nikolić, “Značaj konteksta za sekuritizaciju i desekuritizaciju međunarodnog terorizma u SAD” (“The Role of Context in (de)Securitization of International Rerrorism in the US”), 2015.
  10. Dejan Popović, “Koncept bezbednosti u strategijskim dokumentima Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije” (“The Concept of Security in Strategic Documents of Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia”), 2015.
  11. Njegoš Damljanović, “Modernizacija i profesionalizacija vojnog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji: analiza udžbenika na Vojnoj Akademiji” (“Modernisation and profesionalisation of military education in the Republic of Serbia: analysis of textbooks at the Military Academy”), 2018.
  12. Jelena Đukić, “Sekuritizacija i desekuritizacija sajber prostora u Estoniji u periodu od 2007. do 2017. godine” (“Securitisation and desecuritisation of cyber Space in Estonia from 2007 to 2017”), 2018.
  13. Vuk Velebit, “Novija ruska propaganda u dnevnoj štampi Srbije” (“Recent Russian propaganda in Serbia’s Daily Press”), 2019.
  14. Miloš Mihajilica, “Kurdsko pitanje i bezbjednosna dinamika na Bliskom istoku nakon Hladnog rata” (“The Kurdish question and security dynamics in the Middle East after the Cold War”), 2020.
  15. Violeta Stojković, Uloga misije UN za pomoć Iraku (UNAMI) u oblasti bezbednosne politike i unutrašnjeg političkičkog uređenje” (The Role of UNAMI in the field of security policy and internal political organization in Iraq”), 2020.
  16. Milica Topalović, “Civilno-vojni odnosi i pokušaj vojnog puča u Turskoj 2016. godine”, (“Civil-Military Relations and the MIlitary Coup Attempt in Turkey in 2016”), 2020.
  17. Uroš Begović, “Uloga socijalnog kapitala medicinskih stručnjaka Republike Srbije u bezbednosnim procesima za vreme pandemije Covid-19”, (“The role of Serbia’s medical workers’ social capital in the security dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic”), 2020.
  18. Jovana Čolić. “Sekuritizacija pandemije tokom predizborne kampanje u Srbiji 2020. godine” (“Securitisation of pandemic during the election campaign in Serbia in 2020”.) 2021.
  19. Miloš Lukić “Uloga kinematografije u propagiranju nacionalnih narativa: studija izraelskih filmova o izraelsko-libanskom sukobu iz 1982. godine” (“The role of cinematography in propagating national narratives: a study of Israeli movies about Israeli-Lebanese conflict in 1982”, 2021.
  20. Tatjana Janjić, “Jermenska sekuritizacija Azerbejdžana i sukob oko Nagorno-Karabaha nakon Baršunaste revolucije” (“The Armenian securitisation of Azerbaijan and the conflict of the Nagorno-Karabakh after the Velvet revolution”), 2021.
  21. Zorana Simić, “Identitet žrtve, ontološka sigurnost i bilateralni odnosi Južne Koreje i Japana” (“Victim identity, ontological security and bilateral relations between South Korea and Japan”), 2021.
  22. Borislav Đilas, “Sekuritizacija migracija u hibridnom režimu: slučaj Madjarske u periodu od 2010. do 2020. godine” (“Securitisation of migration in a hybrid regime: the case of Hungary from 2010. until 2020”), 2021.
  23. Andrej Cvetić, “Uticaj uspona takmičarskog autoritarizma na upravljanje sektorom bezbednosti u Srbiji” (“The rise of competitive authoritarianism and security sector management in Serbia”), 2021.
  24. Dajana Ostojić, “Diskurzivna konstrukcija unutrašnjeg neprijatelja i politički atentati u Srbiji” (“The discoursive construction of internal enemies and political assassiantions in Serbia”), 2021.
  25. Zorica Vozarević. “Sekuritizacija sajber bezbednosti: studija slučaja Organizacije Severnoatlantskog sporazuma” (“The securitisation of the cyber cpase: case study NATO”). 2021
  26. Matthew Boyce, “Pandemic, securitization and desecuritization: responses of the United States and Serbia to the Covid-19 crisis” (in English), 2021.
  27. Irena Zagrađanin, “Politika vojne neutralnosti Republike Srbije od 2007. do 2019. godine” (“The policy of military neutrality of the Republic of Serbia from 2007. to 2019.”), 2022.
  28. Miljana Jovanović, “Socijetalna bezbednosna dilema u srpsko-albanskom sukobu 1981-1999. godine” (“The societal security dilemma in the Serbian-Albanian conflict 1981-1999”), 2022.
  29. Arslan Atayev, “The role of Russia’s media in the process of securitization of Nazism in Ukraine” (in English), 2022.
  30. Ognjen Radosavljević, “Sekuritizacija organizovanog kriminala u Republici Srbiji od 2000. do 2021. godine” (“The securitisation of organised crime in the Republic of Serbia from 2000 to 2021”), 2022.
  31. Jovana Bogosavljević, “Učešće malih država u civilnim misijama EU” (The participation of small states in EU civilian missions”), 2022.
  32. Željka Cvejin, “Širenje digitalnog autoritarizma: studija slučaja pametnog video nadzora u Beogradu” (“The diffusion of digital authoritarianism: case study of smart video surveillance in Belgrade”), 2022.
  33. Miljana Jovanović, “Socijetalna bezbednosna dilema u srpsko-albanskom sukobu 1981-1999. (“The Societal security dillemma in Serbian-Albanian conflict 1981-1999.”), 2022.
  34. Irena Zagrađanin, “Politika vojne neutralnosti u Republici Srbiji od 2007. do 2019. godine”, (“The military neutrality policy of the Republic of Serbia from 2007 to 2019”), 2022.
  35. Jovana Bogosavljević, “Učešće malih država u civilnim misijama Evropske unije” (“The role of small states in civilian missions of the European union”), 2022.
  36. Jana Ilić, “Rodni aspekti transformacije oružanih snaga Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Republike Srbije” (“Gender aspects of transformation of Armed Forces of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Serbia”), 2022.
  37. Melanie Jaindl, “Gender and Visual Securitization of Migrants along the Balkan Route, 2023.
  38. Ana Vučenov, Desecuritization of Environmental Security in the Case of Japan’s 3/11, 2024.
  39. Ivana Nikolić, The Staro Sajmiste concentration camp and Serbia’s ontological security”. 2024.
  40. Jelena Krstić, Uloga književnosti u sekuritizaciji položaja srpske nacije pred oružane sukobe u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, (“The role of literature in the securitization of the position of the Serbian nation in the former Yugoslavia”), 2024.
  41. Nataša Ristović, Securitisation of Covid-19 In the Republic of Serbia and the role of war discourse, 2024.
  42. Katarina Tomašević, When Two Worlds Collide: Feminist Foreign Policy and the Implications of Militarisation, 2024.
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